Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nude woman weight loss five strokes privacy

The winter cold air is the best excuse you eating and drinking. If you protect the results of the previous stage to lose weight? How can I find both enjoyment of food and yet effective way to lose weight? Xiao Bian now recommend you to intimate a series of recipes from the weight-loss method to lose weight all the useful information. You had finished this winter, but also still has an impressive figure!

 Private nude first one: Sex Campaign

In fact, sex itself is a movement, every movement, all affects your body, your body fat burning and passion. Lot to enjoy sex, you do not have pain in order to lose weight while on hunger strike in

  Private nude second measure: housework

A person at home, may wish to do a home bare. To close the curtains, and then cleaning the kitchen, wiping the floor, washing clothes and so on. For women, at home and within the tight-fitting off the liberation of the body, right breast and gynecological health are very helpful.

  Private nude third measure: Bath

Positive, happy work, happy every day is our purpose in this mini-gym. Here we show you naked thin bath parade, you want to help.

1, so that the thigh tension: in the bathtub back support while sitting in his hands, legs bent, knees, feet close together and were going to fall on both sides, we should try to paste it into the bathtub at the end.

2, to eliminate swelling thigh massage.

3, lifting waist fatigue: sit close to the bathtub wall with both hands encircling the neck, curling up the waist and back. This will not only be able to lift the waist fatigue, but also to strengthen the lower back muscles.

4, so that the waist tight stretching exercises: hands escorted the end of the tub or wall standing, knees bent forelegs, hind legs straight. About shifts in to do the movements, this can stretch the back of the leg muscles.

Five, relax the ankle and calves: standing in the bath tub lift toes to repeat the action. This can eliminate the post-exercise calf muscle fatigue.

6, stretch leg muscles.

  Private Nude fourth strokes: Luoshui

Inside and outside health experts and physiologists has found that sleep not only make the body naked stretch comfort, but also on health is also very good.

 Private nude fifth strokes: Establish Idol

Do you think the ideal would be a star figure posted in the most eye-catching posters on the wall, with their naked compared to quickly find the gaps, make up the shortfall

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