Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whitening skin care mineral water in the five Magical

1, mineral water pearl cream

Pearl Cream effective anti-aging, anti-free radicals, promote ocular blood circulation, moisturizing the skin, prevent wrinkles and dark circles generation:

Ingredients: Tremella 30 grams, 5 grams of pearl powder, mineral water, a small amount.

Effects: MOISTURE eye skin, enhance the flexibility of the eye skin and eliminate dark circles.

Usage: Apply every corner of the eye and take four drops of eye, from the brow began to smear around the eyes.

Production Method:

1, Tremella into the pot, add a small amount of water, small fire slowly cook until boiled gravy.

2, into the pearl powder, mixing evenly, and after cooling into the bottle into the refrigerator cold.

Preservation methods: frozen into the bottle into the refrigerator, can be used within 2 weeks.

  Second, mineral water + algae powder, creating crystal skin

Seaweed powder on rough skin very effective, not only the supply of water, but also reduce the stimulation, to eliminate inflammation, to do two times a week, the effect is obvious.

DIY Moisture Mask

1. Will be 1 / 3 spoons seaweed powder and 1 spoon glycerin, into the mineral water in the mixing.

2. With the makeup sponge dipped into the post-deposited on the face.

3.20 minutes later, wash with warm water, and coated with cream.

  3, compression Zhimo + mineral water, moisture King

4, white vinegar + mineral water: shrink pores also supply water

With the mineral water with 1:3 ratio right up and flew at his face, after washing the face, shrink pores replenishment whitening.

  5, mineral water replenishment Super Whitening Mask

Material: Compression mask 1, mineral water, a small bowl, vitamin C amount. The most common white particles, 100mg's.

Approach: as long as the vitamin C crushed, dissolved into the mineral water, and then prepared compressed facial mask soaked in water inside the hair up on it.

Revised version: lemonade instead of mineral water should be a better bar

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